About the Roadshow...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day One, the Road Show Rolls!

With neighbors cheering us on, we departed College Station, May 1 at 7:00 pm. Our goal was to simply "get out of town" which we did and drove as far as Waller, Tx. Our neighbors all came out to bid us bon voyage, it was really cool. We arrived in Waller around 8:30 pm and spent the night at Jellystone Park (if you are old enough to remember Yogi Bear, you will appreciate that). Sunday morning when we woke up, we realized that all of the water attractions were up and running an decided to stay a while, swim and relax before hitting the road. By noon, we were water logged and ready to go so off we headed for Interstate 10 west.
Lunch was BBQ to go from a roadside stand and then we were once again headed west. A few miles outside Flatonia, Texas we had our first "uh oh". I noticed what appeared to be smoke behind the coach in the rear view camera. within seconds a passing car made the universal sign for "uh oh" and fortunately there was a roadside park to pull into. When I stepped around the back, there was definitely smoke coming out and a hissing sound so I assumed a blown radiator hose. Climbing below I saw oil instead of water which made me think hydraulic hose. We weren't parked in a great place so I decided to move to the parking lot which required unhooking the Jeep and backing the wrong way own the road into the parking area. Carolyn and the kids hit the nature trails while I climbed, poked and prodded my way under the coach looking for the source. After nearly an hour I was unable to make it leak again. Strange. So, we decided to load up and try her again, maybe it was a fluke (ok, I didn't believe that but it had definably stopped). A few miles down the road another quick check and sure enough no more leaks We decided to stay in San Antonio just in case since there are plenty of Freightliner service centers there so we pulled into our old faithful, Blazing Start RV Resort. Along the way I noticed the A/C wasn't blowing cool on the dash and then it hit me, that must have been a freon hose, hence the hissing, the burst of oil and then no more leaks. Oh, and no more A/C.

After a quick supper of Mexican food and a trip to HEB to buy groceries and a fan, we decided to hit the road early in the morning and have the A/C fixed in Cali when we land there for a few days.

So day 1 and2 are over. Tomorrow we try to get out of Texas. By the way, here's a shot out the window of our neighbors as we left home. We will miss you guys!

1 comment:

  1. I'm more jealous than you will ever know. Good luck to you sir and have fun!

    Greg Sowell :)
